Imam Hussein Media Group

Indian Parliament Representative Visits Imam Hussein Media Group Headquarters in Holy Karbala

Haji Mohammad Hanifa Jan, the Shia representative from the Kargil region in the Indian Parliament, visited the headquarters of Imam Hussein Media Group in the holy city of Karbala, where he met with the Secretary General of the organization.

During the meeting, Hujjat-al-Islam-Wal-Muslimeen Sheikh Mustafa Mohammadi, Secretary General of Imam Hussein Media Group and president of Misbah al-Hussein Foundation, welcomed the guest and, as an opener, referenced a letter from Misbah al-Hussein Foundation to the Iraqi Prime Minister following this year’s Ashura.

He also highlighted the directives made by Grand Ayatollah Shirazi to the Iraqi government regarding the establishment of facilities for pilgrims visiting Imam al-Hussein during the Arbaeen period from around the world.

The Secretary General noted that the Iraqi government had accepted some of these proposals, issuing individual visas for Indian pilgrims, thereby facilitating a more affordable and quicker travel option for Shia Muslims from India.

He urged the Indian Parliament representative to continue diplomatic efforts between India and Iraq to eliminate visa requirements or make them free, simplifying travel for Indian pilgrims to Karbala and other holy sites in Iraq.

Sheikh Mustafa Mohammadi also encouraged Haji Mohammad Hanifa Jan to pursue the establishment of air and sea travel between India and Iraq.

It is noteworthy that among the 545 members of the Indian Parliament, only two Shia representatives hold seats in the legislature.

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