Shirazi World Foundation sends message to transitional government in Syria

The Shirazi World Foundation, one of the global organizations affiliated with Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, has released a message following the formation of a transitional government in Syria.
The Foundation’s message said that, “We are closely monitoring the process of change taking place in Syria and we are hopeful that this change will serve the rights of citizens, enabling them to live dignified lives regardless of their backgrounds or affiliations.”
The message added that, “For this change to be truly beneficial, the new administration must strive to establish security as a top priority. This requires them to draw lessons from all the experiences of change witnessed in Arab countries since 2003.”
In this regard, the Shirazi World Foundation offered detailed recommendations which included the rejection of armed conflict, the avoidance of revenge and retribution, the rejection of extremism and sectarianism in all forms, the pursuit of balanced foreign relations and to pay reparations to the affected citizens.
The global foundation concluded its message by recommending the adoption of an approach based on love, compassion, inclusion, and consultation, creating opportunities for intellectual and creative talents. An approach that is in line with international laws on equality and citizenship rights.