Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: Only Ahl al-Bayt Know True Tafsir of Quran

On Tuesday, the 18th of Rabi’ al-Thani, the daily scholarly session led by Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Hosseini al-Shirazi was held in his residence in Qom. In this session, as in previous meetings, the Supreme Marja responded to attendees’ questions regarding various jurisprudential issues.
Regarding the interpretation of the Quran, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi stated: “The term ‘Tafsir’ in the Arabic language means uncovering the obscure, that is, making difficult and complex matters clear.”
His Eminence continued: “Therefore, if some verses of the Quran appear to be clear at first glance, they are not referred to as requiring Tafsir (Quranic exegesis).”
He also emphasized: “However, if there are verses in the Quran with meanings that are obscure and difficult, those verses require Tafsir.”
The Supreme Religious Authority further stated: “In such circumstances, there is no source for providing exegesis of these verses other than the Ahl al-Bayt. No one besides the Ahl al-Bayt knows the inner meanings of the Quran, and thus the Tafsir of the Quran is derived from the Ahl al-Bayt.”
Referring to verse 7 of Surah Al-Imran, he said: “According to narrations, the ‘Rasikhun’ mentioned in this noble verse, who know the Tafsir of the Quran besides God, are only the Ahl al-Bayt.”