Grand Ayatollah Shirazi

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi Emphasizes Expansion of Religious Activities and Protection of Youth

In a recent meeting hosting Sheikh Mustafa Adib Hindi, representative of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Hosseini al-Shirazi, the Supreme Marja highlighted the importance of expanding religious and cultural activities and safeguarding youth from deviant ideologies.

The meeting took place at the residence of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in the holy city of Qom.

During the discussion, his Eminence addressed the intellectual and social challenges facing the Islamic community, urging increased efforts to promote authentic Islamic values and the teachings of the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them).

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi stressed the necessity of utilizing religious media to counter intellectual doubts, considering media as a fundamental tool in this endeavor.

Sheikh Mustafa Adib Hindi also presented a report on his cultural and religious activities in India, mentioning the role of Khadijah TV in disseminating Shia and Islamic culture.

In response, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi commended these efforts and emphasized the need to continue and expand such activities to protect the Islamic community from intellectual and social dangers.

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