Grand Ayatollah Shirazi

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: Imams Know Everything Except for “Bada”

The daily scholarly sessions led by Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Hosseini al-Shirazi continued on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th and 7th of Rabi’ al-Awwal. During these meetings, the Supreme Marja addressed various questions from attendees regarding different jurisprudential issues.

In discussing the nature of the knowledge of the Immaculate Imams, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi stated that there are various narrations concerning the knowledge of the Imams. He noted that, as interpreted by some scholars—including himself—the knowledge of the Imams is present and encompasses all things. Therefore, any narration that appears to contradict this understanding should be reinterpreted accordingly.

He further emphasized that the Immaculate Imams (peace be upon them) possess complete knowledge, with only one exception mentioned in the narrations. He referred to verse 39 of Surah Ar-Ra’d, which states that God erases and confirms whatever He wills, indicating that the original decree is with Him. This implies that in certain instances, referred to as “Bada,” God may alter a decree or defer its implementation.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi also underscored that God has entrusted everything to the fourteen Infallibles (peace be upon them), but what has been given to them does not belong to them; rather, it belongs to God Almighty. Thus, everything that belongs to God is inherently His, highlighting the distinction between the Infallibles and God Himself.

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