Grand Ayatollah Shirazi

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: Organ Donation Permissible After Complete Death, Not During Life

The daily scholarly sessions led by Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Hosseini al-Shirazi was held on Friday 25 of Safar. During this meeting, his Eminence addressed various jurisprudential questions from attendees, continuing the tradition of previous sessions.

In discussing the issue of organ donation after death, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi stated that while some jurists believe such a will is not valid, a group of jurists, including himself, holds that if a person bequeaths their organs for donation after complete death—not brain death—this is permissible, as individuals have authority over their own selves.

The Supreme Marja elaborated on the donation of specific dual organs, such as eyes, ears, hands, and feet during lifetime, emphasizing that while individuals have authority over their own selves, there are three circumstances where this authority does not apply. He identified two of these cases as noted by other jurists and added a third.

The first instance where a person does not have authority over their own self is the prohibition against suicide. The second is the inability to sever any part of their body or impair one of their five senses. The third, as he mentioned, is the prohibition against actions that could lead to severe and dangerous illnesses.

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