Grand Ayatollah Shirazi

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi remarks on some rulings of apostasy during daily scholarly session

The daily scholarly meeting of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh al-Hosseini al-Shirazi was held on Saturday and Sunday, 13th and 14th of Muharram. In these sessions, like the previous meetings, the Great Marja answered the questions of the attendees about various jurisprudential issues.

On the rulings of apostasy, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi said: The issue of apostasy is not a simple issue and it is not easy to attribute apostasy to anyone, and sometimes some cases that are thought to be forming apostasy are not actually examples of apostasy. In fact, due to the high level of sensitivity that some people and believers have towards some of their beliefs, they consider some cases as examples of apostasy, but when the issue is carefully examined, it becomes clear that apostasy from the religion has not actually taken place.

Regarding those who do not accept some religious issues, or express doubts about some of them, or in some cases, make fun of some religious issues, the Supreme Marja said: If these people believe in the two Testimonies of Faith (Shahadatayn) and do not deny the essentials of religion, they are not considered apostates.

On the ruling of a person who denies the obligation of fasting or any other religious obligation, his Eminence said: Such people are not considered apostates, and jurists have questioned both the subject and the implementation of the rulings of apostasy regarding such people, because the hadith-based proofs of apostasy do not include such cases.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi further said: The implementation of Sharia rulings, including apostasy, hinges on conditions that are usually not completely met, and therefore apostasy does not include many cases. In addition, jurists have casted questions regarding the implementation of rulings pertinent to apostacy.

His Eminence further said: The actions of the Messenger of God and the actions of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon them both, are proof that if widespread shubha (disguised falsehood) is spread in the society and leads to apostasy of a large number of people, the Ahkam of apostasy will not be implemented in such case.

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