Grand Ayatollah Shirazi discusses Wilayah as prerequisite of Tawhid during daily scholarly session

The daily scholarly session of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadiq al-Hosseini al-Shirazi was held on Wednesday, the 20th of Dhu Qa’dah. In this session, like the previous meetings, the Marja answered the questions of the attendees about various jurisprudential issues.
Referring to the saying of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his pure family, that: “Whoever’s last word is “There is no god but Allah” will enter heaven”, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi said: This matter hinges on some conditions, and if the conditions do not exist, this saying of the Messenger of God will not be materialized.
His Eminence emphasized: If, for example, Shamar bin Dhi al-Jawshan uttered this Tawhid expression at the end of his life, it would not qualify him for this promise of heaven by the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family. He also said: As Imam al-Reza, peace be upon him, has said in Nishabur in the “Hadith of the Golden Chain” that, the word “La ilaha illa-llah” is a strong fortress, and whoever enters this strong fortress by saying this word, will be safe from Divine chastisement, but the Imam subjected the utterance of Tawhid word to certain conditions.
Elaborating on the interpretation of this hadith, the Marja said: Imam al-Reza, peace be upon him, emphasizes in the continuation of this hadith that “I am among the conditions” which means I am one of its conditions.
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi further said: “I am among the conditions” means that anyone who says “La ilaha illa-llah”, but does not accept the Wilayah of the Holy Prophet or even one of the Pure Imams, peace be upon them all, the expression of Tawhid will be of no benefit to them.