Grand Ayatollah Shirazi

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi emphasizes Ghadir, Ashura during daily scholarly session

The daily scholarly meeting of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh al-Hosseini al-Shirazi was held on Tuesday, the 12th of Dhu Qa’dah. In this session, like the previous meetings, the Marja answered the questions of those present in the meeting about various jurisprudential issues.

Referring to the importance of the two events of Ghadir and Ashura in Islam, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi said: According to my interpretation, Islam has two wings, with which it can fly, and those two wings are Ghadir and Ashura, and both events are highly important.

On the duty of Muslims regarding these two important events, His Eminence said: Every human being should try as much as he can to recognize these two important events, which are two wings for Islam, and make all efforts to uphold and honor them, as well as to use their maximum power in introducing them to others.

The Marja further said: In this regard, it is necessary to use both Shia and Sunni historical sources to understand and appreciate the different angles of these two important events in the history of Islam.

Mentioning a historical account of the efforts of Shiites in Baghdad to commemorate Ghadir, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi said: It is recorded in history that during the era of Sheikh al-Mofid a thousand years ago, all kinds of sweets were distributed in the squares, streets, alleys and passages on the day of Eid al-Ghadir, such that all the people of Baghdad could enjoy the feast from morning to evening and take them to their whole family.

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