
APHC criticizes BJP regime for imposing Hindutva agenda in disputed Kashmir

APHC criticizes BJP regime for imposing Hindutva agenda in disputed Kashmir

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has expressed serious concern over the plots executed by the nationalist Indian government and military establishment against Kashmiris’ righteous demand of right to self-determination in disputed Kashmir. APHC spokesman accused India of suppressing the…
India’s supreme court stops plans for survey of centuries-old mosque

India’s supreme court stops plans for survey of centuries-old mosque

India’s Supreme Court on Tuesday halted plans for a survey aimed at determining if Hindu relics and symbols can be found in the Shahi Eidgah mosque in the northern city of Mathura, Reuters reported. The court statement mentioned that the…
Iran’s missiles hit targets in Iraq’s Erbil, Syria; Kurdistan Regional Government demands int’l response

Iran’s missiles hit targets in Iraq’s Erbil, Syria; Kurdistan Regional Government demands int’l response

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched missiles at what it claimed were Israeli “spy headquarters” in Iraq’s Kurdish region and hit targets allegedly linked to ISIL (ISIS) in northern Syria, saying it was defending its security and countering terrorism.…
Chairman of Indonesian Ulema Council urges government to enact anti-Islamophobia law

Chairman of Indonesian Ulema Council urges government to enact anti-Islamophobia law

The chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) for foreign relations and international cooperation, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, has urged the Indonesian government to pass an anti-Islamophobia law. “Islamophobia has now become a global crisis that threatens social life, stability, and…
Because of ruling Taliban, bodies of three Shia Afghan pilots could not be repatriated to homeland for burial

Because of ruling Taliban, bodies of three Shia Afghan pilots could not be repatriated to homeland for burial

The global news website “Oregon Live” reported that the bodies of three Afghan pilots—who died in December 2023 in a plane crash—could not be repatriated to their homeland for burial because the Taliban considers former Afghan Air Force pilots the…
Severe winter affects nearly 100,000 children in quake-hit Afghanistan

Severe winter affects nearly 100,000 children in quake-hit Afghanistan

The United Nations has appealed for increased humanitarian aid to assist tens of thousands of children in western Afghanistan who are suffering in life-threatening winter conditions following a string of devastating earthquakes last October. Report: The warning from UNICEF comes…
More than 2.5M pilgrims commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Hadi

More than 2.5M pilgrims commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Hadi

The Holy Samarra Operationas Command announced on Tuesday the success of the security plan for the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Ali al-Hadi, peace be upon him, in the holy city of Samarra. Lieutenant General Ali Muthgel al-Maliki, said:…
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi reiterates his instructions on necessity of increasing charitable activities

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi reiterates his instructions on necessity of increasing charitable activities

The Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Hussaini al-Shirazi, has reiterated his special instructions to the followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, to increase their charitable and humanitarian activities to care for needy and poor families…
Shortage of vaccines leads to sharp rise in Cholera cases worldwide

Shortage of vaccines leads to sharp rise in Cholera cases worldwide

Cholera cases soared last year, according to preliminary data from the World Health Organization, which recorded 4,000 cholera deaths and 667,000 cases globally. The numbers surpassed that of 2022, and the WHO has classified the global resurgence of cholera as…
Earth’s core wobbles every 8.5 years, new study suggests

Earth’s core wobbles every 8.5 years, new study suggests

Scientists in China recently made a discovery that every 8.5 years, the Earth’s inner core wobbles around its rotational axis. This shift is likely caused by a tiny misalignment between the inner core and the Earth’s mantle—the layer below the…
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