
Indonesia reveals centuries-old Qur’an

Indonesia reveals centuries-old Qur’an

shown centuries-old hand written manuscripts of Qur’an during an Islamic exhibition   The Indonesian province of Aceh has shown centuries-old hand written manuscripts of Qur’an during an Islamic exhibition held in Nagan Raya. Written by Sheikh Malik Ibrahim 700 years…
US man convicted of plotting to kill Muslims with X-ray weapon

US man convicted of plotting to kill Muslims with X-ray weapon

A New York man was convicted of plotting to kill Muslims with a mobile X-ray device   A New York man was convicted of plotting to kill Muslims with a mobile X-ray device. Glendon Scott Crawford is guilty of attempting…
Discriminatory ‘Race and Religion’ bills threaten to fuel tensions ahead of elections

Discriminatory ‘Race and Religion’ bills threaten to fuel tensions ahead of elections

The Myanmar Parliament’s passage of two bills targeting religious minorities constitutes an attack on religious freedom   The Myanmar Parliament’s passage of two bills targeting religious minorities constitutes an attack on religious freedom and threatens to stoke inter-communal tensions and…
Malaysian police arrest 10 suspected of ISIS links

Malaysian police arrest 10 suspected of ISIS links

Ten Malaysians have been arrested for fostering suspected links with ISIS     Ten Malaysians have been arrested for fostering suspected links with ISIS and planning attacks in the country, police said. Malaysia’s national police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said…
White House: “Islamic State” second-in-command killed in U.S. air strike

White House: “Islamic State” second-in-command killed in U.S. air strike

The second-in-command of the so-called Islamic State militant group was killed during a U.S. air strike in Iraq   The second-in-command of the so-called Islamic State militant group was killed during a U.S. air strike in Iraq, the White House…
Prophet Mohammed exhibition cancelled over ‘possibility people could be hurt or killed’

Prophet Mohammed exhibition cancelled over ‘possibility people could be hurt or killed’

An exhibition of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed has been cancelled     An exhibition of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, has been cancelled after police warned it could be “a risk to public safety”. The show,…
Mosques open doors to non-Muslims in Germany

Mosques open doors to non-Muslims in Germany

Muslims in Germany have opened the doors of their mosques to non-Muslims on Friday   Muslims in Germany have opened the doors of their mosques to non-Muslims on Friday with the hope of eliminating prejudices against Muslims and encouraging cultural…
Michigan Muslim shunned for wearing Hijab

Michigan Muslim shunned for wearing Hijab

a Muslim woman has been denied service in a Michigan store after she refused to take off her Islamic hijab   In a fresh Islamophobic attack, a Muslim woman has been denied service in a Michigan store after she refused…
23 attacks on mosques in Germany during first six months of current year

23 attacks on mosques in Germany during first six months of current year

Government of Germany has announced that 23 attacks have been taken place on mosques and religious places   Government of Germany has announced that 23 attacks have been taken place on mosques and religious places in Germany during the first…
S. Africa leader praises Muslim role in liberation

S. Africa leader praises Muslim role in liberation

Recognizing the remarkable sacrifices shown by Muslims to end apartheid   Recognizing the remarkable sacrifices shown by Muslims to end apartheid, a South African Premier has hailed the role of Indian Muslims to liberate his country. , Senzo Mchun called…
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