
Islam opens its arms in Trowbridge, UK

Islam opens its arms in Trowbridge, UK

Trowbridge Mosque, a town in England, opened its doors to the public over the weekend in hope of increasing understanding of Islam and to address any misconceptions about the religion.     Trowbridge Mosque, a town in England, opened its…
Indonesia to develop first ‘Halal Hub’

Indonesia to develop first ‘Halal Hub’

Indonesia’s State port operator Pelabuhan Indonesia II, Pelindo II, signed an agreement with Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP) to build a “halal hub” in Jakarta on the sidelines of 12th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) on Tuesday.     Indonesia’s…
Cessnock council votes for mosque at Buchanan

Cessnock council votes for mosque at Buchanan

Despite a long campaign of racist vilification and threats encouraging fear and hate against a planned mosque at Buchanan, New South Wales, Cessnock Council voted 6 to 4 to support the development.     Despite a long campaign of racist…
Government report: Nigerian army killed 348 Shias during Zaria carnage

Government report: Nigerian army killed 348 Shias during Zaria carnage

A government-commissioned report says the Nigerian army killed 348 Shia Muslims during an attack on a religious ceremony last year.     A government-commissioned report says the Nigerian army killed 348 Shia Muslims during an attack on a religious ceremony…
Myanmar to deport Pakistanis for giving Mosque sermon

Myanmar to deport Pakistanis for giving Mosque sermon

Authorities in Myanmar detained two Pakistan nationals for giving sermons at mosques in the commercial capital of Yangon.     Authorities in Myanmar detained two Pakistan nationals for giving sermons at mosques in the commercial capital of Yangon. The detentions…
Saudi Arabia yet to sway U.N. over Yemen coalition blacklisting

Saudi Arabia yet to sway U.N. over Yemen coalition blacklisting

Two months after the United Nations blacklisted a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition for killing children in Yemen, Riyadh has not provided enough proof that it should be permanently removed from the register, U.N. diplomatic sources said on Monday.    …
Pope says it’s wrong to identify Islam with violence

Pope says it’s wrong to identify Islam with violence

Pope Francis said on Sunday that it was wrong to identify Islam with violence and that social injustice and idolatry of money were among the prime causes of terrorism.     Pope Francis said on Sunday that it was wrong…
Saudi Arabia finances fundamentalist mosques abroad accused of breeding extremism

Saudi Arabia finances fundamentalist mosques abroad accused of breeding extremism

German vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel warned against alienating Saudi Arabia, a crucial player in the bid to end the Syrian war, with too much criticism.     German vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel warned against alienating Saudi Arabia, a crucial player…
Australia mosque vandalized in racist attack

Australia mosque vandalized in racist attack

An Adelaide mosque has been targeted by racist vandals, who have daubed the entrance to the building in swastikas and offensive slogans.     An Adelaide mosque has been targeted by racist vandals, who have daubed the entrance to the…
British woman murdered in Pakistan for converting to Shia Islam

British woman murdered in Pakistan for converting to Shia Islam

The husband of a British woman who was killed in Pakistan called for the UK and Pakistani governments to ensure his wife received justice Thursday, as he sought to keep the spotlight on so-called honour killings.     The husband…
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