Science & Technology

New Genetic Form of Alzheimer’s Identified

New Genetic Form of Alzheimer’s Identified

Researchers have discovered a distinct genetic form of Alzheimer’s disease, characterized by the presence of two copies of the ApoE4 gene variant, the Guardian reported in an article yesterday. The study, published in Nature Medicine, found that over 95% of…
Climate Change Driving Venomous Snakes Into New Regions, Study Warns

Climate Change Driving Venomous Snakes Into New Regions, Study Warns

A new study has found that climate breakdown is likely to drive venomous snake species into new regions, putting unprepared countries at increased risk of snakebites, the Guardian reported yesterday. The research, published in the Lancet Planetary Health journal, forecasts…
Recent report suggests banning children from using smartphones before they are 13

Recent report suggests banning children from using smartphones before they are 13

French experts said in a new report that children should not be allowed to use smartphones before 13 and should be barred from accessing social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat before 18. The report comes following the…
Japanese scientists successfully transplant kidney tissue from one rat fetus to another

Japanese scientists successfully transplant kidney tissue from one rat fetus to another

Japanese scientists have successfully transplanted kidney tissue from one rat fetus to another while the recipient was still in its mother’s womb, Interesting Engineering, a science magazine, said in a new report. According to nephrologists at Jikei University School of…
Scientists at Warwick University devise new way to detect skin cancer

Scientists at Warwick University devise new way to detect skin cancer

Scientists at the University of Warwick have created a new way to detect skin cancer, using so called Terahertz (THz) waves, the BBC said in a new report published on its website. According to specialists, THz waves fall between infrared…
Healthy Lifestyle Can Offset Genetic Predisposition to Early Death

Healthy Lifestyle Can Offset Genetic Predisposition to Early Death

A groundbreaking new study has found that a healthy lifestyle can offset the genetic risk of premature mortality by over 60%, the Guardian reported yesterday. The research, published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, analyzed data from over 350,000 participants in the…
Newspaper Publishers Sue Tech Giants Over AI Copyright Infringement

Newspaper Publishers Sue Tech Giants Over AI Copyright Infringement

In a move that escalates the ongoing battle over the use of online data to power artificial intelligence, eight major U.S. daily newspapers have filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft, the New York Times reported yesterday. The publications, owned…
Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Education in the East of England

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Education in the East of England

In the East of England, a groundbreaking initiative is underway to revolutionize education through the innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI), BBC reported yesterday. With a vision to modernize and personalize learning experiences for students, educational institutions are leveraging AI…
Bumblebee species can survive underwater for up to 7 days

Bumblebee species can survive underwater for up to 7 days

Queens of the common eastern bumblebee, a species widespread in eastern North America, can withstand submersion for up to a week when hibernating, the Guardian cited a new study yesterday. With bumblebee queens known to burrow into soil to hibernate,…
European astronomers discover Milky Way’s largest stellar-mass black hole

European astronomers discover Milky Way’s largest stellar-mass black hole

Astronomers have found a massive black hole, BH3, in the Milky Way, just 2,000 light years away from the Earth, the Guardian reported in an article yesterday. The celestial body, having 33 times the mass of the Sun, was discovered…
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