Science & Technology

Muslim invents first space tech prayer mat

Muslim invents first space tech prayer mat

Offering relief to Muslim patients   Offering relief to Muslim patients, a space tech Muslim entrepreneur has invented the world’s first physiological prayer mat whose components are derived from space technology and designed with precision. Nader Sabry said that his…
Health benefits of raisins

Health benefits of raisins

Health benefits of raisin   Health reports showed that the health benefits of raisins include relief from constipation, acidosis, anemia, fever. Raisins have also been known to help in attempts to gain weight in a healthy way, as well as its…
New app planned for American mosques

New app planned for American mosques

Mercy tech unveiled, a new web app that will boost the online presence of American mosques   Mercytech unveiled, a new web app that will boost the online presence of American mosques. features profiles for mosques and…
Mobile app seeks to help “halal tourists”

Mobile app seeks to help “halal tourists”

A new mobile app will help Muslim travelers establish prayer times, locate mosques and find halal food more easily while away from home   A new mobile app will help Muslim travelers establish prayer times, locate mosques and find halal…
Benefits of fasting during the months of Rajab and Sha`ban

Benefits of fasting during the months of Rajab and Sha`ban

Rajab and Sha’baan are the seventh and eighth months in the Islamic Lunar Calendar. Fasting during these two months is highly recommended even for one day at least   Rajab and Sha’baan are the seventh and eighth months in the…
Vinegar of all types can be beneficial in several ways

Vinegar of all types can be beneficial in several ways

Recent studies showed that vinegar of all types can be beneficial in several ways. One of the benefits of vinegar is that it improves blood sugar levels. Drinking apple cider vinegar before a high-carbohydrate meal improves insulin sensitivity, slowing the…
Artificial light while sleeping may increase risk of obesity to diabetes and depression

Artificial light while sleeping may increase risk of obesity to diabetes and depression

A new research suggests that exposure to artificial light while sleeping may increase our risk of a host of conditions, from obesity to diabetes and depression    A new research suggests that exposure to artificial light while sleeping may increase…
Smoking is a growing phenomenon despite its harmful consequences

Smoking is a growing phenomenon despite its harmful consequences

Tobacco smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking and is practiced by over one billion people in the majority of all human societies   Tobacco smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking…
Salt, one of the most important substances to your body

Salt, one of the most important substances to your body

  Salt is one of the important substances to the nerves, as it stimulates muscle contraction; this will also help prevent your muscles from cramping. Salt keeps calcium and other minerals in the bloodstream.  Salt is one of the important substances…
Physical inactivity twice deadlier than obesity

Physical inactivity twice deadlier than obesity

A new major study says exercise is beneficial for people of any age, warning that physical inactivity could kill twice as many people as obesity.  A new major study says exercise is beneficial for people of any age, warning that…
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