119,000 civilian casualties and deaths in Iraq and Syria as a result of international coalition raids

119,000 civilian casualties and deaths in Iraq and Syria as a result of international coalition raids

Through its daily monitoring of local news organizations, social media and official sources, as well as via sources on the ground, Airwars has in total recorded over 119,000 reported civilian deaths and injuries since  Through its daily monitoring of local…
Human Rights Watch publishes imagery showing burned houses of Myanmar soldiers

Human Rights Watch publishes imagery showing burned houses of Myanmar soldiers

Satellite imagery shows that about 200 homes and other buildings were destroyed by fire on May 16, 2020, in Myanmar’s embattled Rakhine State, Human Rights Watch said today. Satellite imagery shows that about 200 homes and other buildings were destroyed…
Egyptian Minister of Endowments prepares plan to open mosques

Egyptian Minister of Endowments prepares plan to open mosques

The Egyptian Minister of Endowments, Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa, announced the preparation of a plan to reopen places of worship after the Eid al-Fitr holiday. The Egyptian Minister of Endowments, Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa, announced the preparation of a plan to reopen…
Child wounded by Saudi artillery bombing in Saada, Yemen

Child wounded by Saudi artillery bombing in Saada, Yemen

A Yemeni girl was wounded in new Saudi attacks targeting Saada province. A Yemeni girl was wounded in new Saudi attacks targeting Saada province. Al-Masirah Net confirmed that 7-year-old Radia Issa was wounded by Saudi artillery bombing on the border…
Germany pledges to confront hate campaigns against Muslim immigrants

Germany pledges to confront hate campaigns against Muslim immigrants

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has pledged to continue his efforts to tackle anti-Muslim hatred in his country. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has pledged to continue his efforts to tackle anti-Muslim hatred in his country. Steinmeier said that protecting Muslims is…
Iraq: Four ISIS terrorists arrested in left side of Mosul

Iraq: Four ISIS terrorists arrested in left side of Mosul

The Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced, on Tuesday, the arrest of four ISIS terrorists in left side of Mosul. The Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced, on Tuesday, the arrest of four ISIS terrorists in left side of Mosul. A ministry…
California reopens places of worship

California reopens places of worship

Health authorities in the US state of California have announced the reopening of places of worship and shops that have been closed because of the coronavirus. Health authorities in the US state of California have announced the reopening of places…
Afghanistan to release 2,000 Taliban prisoners as ‘goodwill gesture’

Afghanistan to release 2,000 Taliban prisoners as ‘goodwill gesture’

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani began a process Sunday to release up to 2,000 Taliban prisoners as a goodwill gesture after the insurgents proposed a surprise cease-fire during the Eid holiday. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani began a process Sunday to release…
Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia to ease curfew, open mosques outside Mecca as COVID-19 restrictions eased

Coronavirus: Saudi Arabia to ease curfew, open mosques outside Mecca as COVID-19 restrictions eased

Saudi Arabia will revise curfew times this week, and lift it entirely across the Kingdom with the exception of Mecca starting June 21, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported in a statement early on Tuesday. Saudi Arabia will revise curfew…
Saudi coalition continues siege of 20 Yemeni ships containing fuel and food

Saudi coalition continues siege of 20 Yemeni ships containing fuel and food

A Yemeni source in al-Hodeidah port confirmed, yesterday that the Saudi coalition continues to seize Yemeni ships containing oil derivatives and foodstuffs. A Yemeni source in al-Hodeidah port confirmed, yesterday that the Saudi coalition continues to seize Yemeni ships containing…
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