Suicide bomber strikes Afghan market, killing 5
February 8, 2016
Suicide bomber strikes Afghan market, killing 5
A suicide bomber struck in a crowded market in eastern Afghanistan on Monday A suicide bomber struck in a crowded market in eastern Afghanistan on Monday, killing five civilians and wounding nine others, a local official said. Aminullah…
Ameer al-Mumineen Translation Center translates Imam Ali’s book of recommendations to Malik al-Ashtar
February 8, 2016
Ameer al-Mumineen Translation Center translates Imam Ali’s book of recommendations to Malik al-Ashtar
Ameer al-Mumineen Center for Translation has translated Imam Ali’s book of recommendation Ameer al-Mumineen Center for Translation has translated Imam Ali’s book of recommendations to Malik al-Ashtar to four languages. The director of the center, Sayyed Younis al-Mousawi, spoke…
Islamic art in spotlight in ‘Language of the Quran’
February 7, 2016
Islamic art in spotlight in ‘Language of the Quran’
Islamic art is the focus of an exhibition designed to enhance understanding among different cultures Islamic art is the focus of an exhibition designed to enhance understanding among different cultures and to showcase deserving talent and remarkable calligraphy. “Arabic:…
University of Iowa gives Muslim students prayer space
February 7, 2016
University of Iowa gives Muslim students prayer space
The University Of Iowa (UI) has dedicated two rooms of the Iowa Memorial Union as a prayer space The University Of Iowa (UI) has dedicated two rooms of the Iowa Memorial Union as a prayer space for its growing…
PEGIDA supporters hold anti-Islam rallies
February 7, 2016
PEGIDA supporters hold anti-Islam rallies
group PEGIDA staged a silent march in Birmingham as clashes broke out at twin rallies in France and the Netherlands Supporters of the anti-Islam group PEGIDA staged a silent march in Birmingham as clashes broke out at twin rallies…
Study finds MI5 targets Muslim converts for recruitment
February 7, 2016
Study finds MI5 targets Muslim converts for recruitment
target recent Muslim converts for recruitment as informants British security services often target recent Muslim converts for recruitment as informants, according to a new study released by Cambridge University. Researchers from the Centre of Islamic Studies spoke with 50…
The Independent warns of Saudi Arabia sending ground forces into Syria
February 7, 2016
The Independent warns of Saudi Arabia sending ground forces into Syria
this will have immense ramifications for the country’s civil war and the wider region The Independent has warned of Saudi Arabia sending of ground forces into Syria, saying this will have immense ramifications for the country’s civil war and…
Suicide bomb kills at least 10 in southwestern Pakistan
February 7, 2016
Suicide bomb kills at least 10 in southwestern Pakistan
suicide bomber on a bicycle blew himself up near a security forces truck in the southwest of Pakistan Ten people were killed and more than 35 injured when a suicide bomber on a bicycle blew himself up near a…
Sheikh Abdul Redha Ma’ash visits religious centers in Tanzania
February 7, 2016
Sheikh Abdul Redha Ma’ash visits religious centers in Tanzania
African countries the Eminent Sheikh Abdul Redha Ma’ash visited Hawza centers in Sinkeda city in Tanzania Within his preaching tour to spread the sciences of Ahlul Bayt, peace be upon them, in the African countries the Eminent Sheikh Abdul…
HRW: France abuses Muslims under emergency laws
February 6, 2016
HRW: France abuses Muslims under emergency laws
France has carried out abusive and discriminatory raids and house arrests against Muslims France has carried out abusive and discriminatory raids and house arrests against Muslims under its current state of emergency, traumatizing and stigmatizing those targeted, including children…