Turkmen Shias flee to Holy Najaf escaping ISIL onslaught

Turkmen Shias flee to Holy Najaf escaping ISIL onslaught

Shia Turkmen families from Tal Afar in Northern Iraq have been fleeing south to the holy city of Najaf to escape so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group’s onslaught in the north of the country.  …
Imam Hussein holy shrine holds advanced Quran recitation courses

Imam Hussein holy shrine holds advanced Quran recitation courses

Religious Preaching Unit of the Imam Hussein holy shrine holds advanced courses in Quran recitation and Tajweed   The Feminine Religious Preaching Unit of the Imam Hussein holy shrine has held its fourth Quran Tafseer course for the school teachers…
Muhammad is Britain’s most popular name

Muhammad is Britain’s most popular name

Mohammed, the name of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, has become the most popular name for new-born babies in England and Wales in 2013.   Figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed that the name…
Quran Teaching Centre to be established by Kufa University

Quran Teaching Centre to be established by Kufa University

A Quranic official at the University of Kufa, in Holy Najaf, said that the university plans to set up a Quran teaching centre.   Hadi Hanoun al-Arezi, head of the university’s Supreme Council for Quranic Activities, said the centre will…
british sunni to join ISIL

british sunni to join ISIL

British Sunni willing to join ISIL.   The Metropolitan Police commissioner in the UL has warned that hundreds of British extremists who have travelled to Iraq and Syria could return to the UK if Takfirigroups start to lose the battles…
Takfiri terrorists destroy Shias’ mosque in Diyala

Takfiri terrorists destroy Shias’ mosque in Diyala

Takfiri terrorists destroy Shias’ mosque and Husseiniya in Diyala province   Takfiri terrorists of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have destroyed a mosque belonging to Shia Muslims in Diyala province, northeast of Baghdad. According to…
A bomb explosion in Karbala, causing no injuries

A bomb explosion in Karbala, causing no injuries

A bomb exploded on Friday near a mosque in Karbala without causing injuries.    A security source said that a bomb exploded near Jenan al-Na’im mosque south of Karbala, and the explosion caused some damage to the nearby vehicles, without…
Imam Ali Holy shrine sends Aid to Amirli district people

Imam Ali Holy shrine sends Aid to Amirli district people

Imam Ali holy shrine sends urgent aid to Amirli district of Shia majority. The Imam Ali holy shrine has send urgent food and water supplies to the residents of Amrili district after receiving distress calls from the people of this…
Quranic Arabic Corpus, an effort to provide a linguistic resource for researchers

Quranic Arabic Corpus, an effort to provide a linguistic resource for researchers

The Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource which shows the Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word in the Holy Quran. It is part of a PhD research project into Arabic language computing at the University of Leeds.…
Philippines extremists pledge alliance to ISIL terrorist group leader

Philippines extremists pledge alliance to ISIL terrorist group leader

Hard-line in the Philippines have pledged allegiance to the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).   Clips have been uploaded in recent weeks on the video sharing site YouTube showing both southern Philippines-based Bangsamoro Freedom Fighters BIFF…
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