Completion of the New Holly Grille of Imam al-Abbas
March 17, 2016
Completion of the New Holly Grille of Imam al-Abbas
new grille is now complete and ready to be installed over the holy grave of Al-Abbas, peace be upon him After five years of continuous construction, the new grille is now complete and ready to be installed over the…
Saudi jets carry out several airstrikes in Yemen
March 16, 2016
Saudi jets carry out several airstrikes in Yemen
several airstrikes over the Yemeni provinces of Ta’iz and Al-Jawf on Monday The Saudi killing machines carried out several airstrikes over the Yemeni provinces of Ta’iz and Al-Jawf on Monday, targeting alleged Houthi and Yemeni Army sites near the…
14 citizens arrested by Indonesian police while traveling to Syria to join ISIS
March 16, 2016
14 citizens arrested by Indonesian police while traveling to Syria to join ISIS
arrest of 14 citizens that were reportedly attempting to travel to Syria On Monday, Indonesian police announced the arrest of 14 citizens that were reportedly attempting to travel to Syria in order to partake in the five year long…
Hundreds gather in New York for protest against Trump’s anti-Muslim remarks
March 16, 2016
Hundreds gather in New York for protest against Trump’s anti-Muslim remarks
Herald Square on Sunday to rally against’ Trump’s past remarks about Muslims Hundreds of people gathered in Herald Square on Sunday to rally against’ Trump’s past remarks about Muslims. Activists with the International Action Center and other groups held…
Almost 1,500 killed in chemical weapons attacks in Syria
March 16, 2016
Almost 1,500 killed in chemical weapons attacks in Syria
chemical weapons attacks in Syria during the five-year conflict, according to a report Nearly 1,500 people have been killed in chemical weapons attacks in Syria during the five-year conflict, according to a report that highlights the uninhibited ferocity of…
Syrian army troops foil terrorist assault in Hama Countryside
March 16, 2016
Syrian army troops foil terrorist assault in Hama Countryside
(Faith Brigade) on Monday have violated the cessation of hostilities in northern countryside Terrorist groups from the so-called “Liwa’a al-Iman” (Faith Brigade) on Monday have violated the cessation of hostilities in northern countryside of Hama along the direction of…
Baghdad promises revenge after Shia town chemical weapon attackby ISIS
March 15, 2016
Baghdad promises revenge after Shia town chemical weapon attackby ISIS
ISIS militants reportedly carried out two chemical attacks in northern Iraq, local authorities say A three-year-old girl has been killed and more than 600 Shia people were injured after ISIS militants reportedly carried out two chemical attacks in northern…
Saudi security forces confirm arresting person in charge for the Ahsaa terrorist attack
March 15, 2016
Saudi security forces confirm arresting person in charge for the Ahsaa terrorist attack
arrested a man suspected of involvement in attacks on Shia Muslims Saudi security forces arrested a man suspected of involvement in attacks on Shia Muslims, state news agency SPA reported on Sunday. Interior ministry confirms that the man, identified…
Film festival apologizes after asking Olympic fencer to remove her hijab
March 15, 2016
Film festival apologizes after asking Olympic fencer to remove her hijab
US Olympic fencing star was asked to remove her headscarf in order to obtain a pass A South by Southwest film festival volunteer has been sacked and organizers have apologized after an US Olympic fencing star was asked to…
Karbala Dar-ol-Quran Center Holds Quranic Courses in Indonesia
March 15, 2016
Karbala Dar-ol-Quran Center Holds Quranic Courses in Indonesia
Karbala, Iraq, held a series of Quranic courses in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta The Dar-ol-Quran Center of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine in Karbala, Iraq, held a series of Quranic courses in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. According…