UK Imams issue Fatwa against those fighting for ISIL

UK Imams issue Fatwa against those fighting for ISIL

Some of Britain’s most influential imams have condemned British Muslims fighting alongside ISIL extremists in Iraq and Syria.   They have issued a fatwa, describing them as “heretics”. The fatwa”religiously prohibits” would-be British jihadists from joining “oppressive and tyrannical” ISIL,…
Bahrain upholds 10 year jail term for Shiite journalist

Bahrain upholds 10 year jail term for Shiite journalist

The Supreme Court of Appeal in Bahrain has upheld a 10-year-jail sentence on photojournalist Ahmad Humaidan.   Humaidan was allegedly convicted of taking part in an attack on a police station in Sitra in April 2012. Human rights groups say…
Iraqi forces retake Sulaiman Bek town from ISIL militants

Iraqi forces retake Sulaiman Bek town from ISIL militants

The Iraqi army has retaken the northern town of Sulaiman Bek from the ISIL Takfiri terrorists.   Iraqi military sources say the government troops backed by Kurdish forces and Shia volunteer fighters retook the town from the ISIL cult on…
32 terrorists, including 8 Chechens, killed in Amerli

32 terrorists, including 8 Chechens, killed in Amerli

A combination of forces has liberated the Shia town of Amerli in northern Iraq. The operation began at dawn on Sunday. Meanwhile, the Iraqi anti- terrorism forces announced the killing of 32 terrorists from the so-called Islamic State in Iraq…
Bahrain- Regime’s changing of demography

Bahrain- Regime’s changing of demography

95k foreigners naturalized by Bahraini regime, adding 17.3% to population   A Bahraini Shia political figure has revealed alarming numbers of naturalization in Bahrain, reflected from official statistics provided by the State-run Central Information Organization. He said manipulation in official…
Russian police targets Crimean Hijab-wearing Muslims

Russian police targets Crimean Hijab-wearing Muslims

Crimea’s veiled Muslim women have been complaining over being targeted by police for security checks ahead of a visit by Russian president to the black sea peninsula later this week, adding that they are usually treated as enemies on their…
1st Islamic Theology School opened in Scandinavia

1st Islamic Theology School opened in Scandinavia

The northern European region of Scandinavia has officially opened its first Islamic Theology boarding school in the Danish city of Slagelse.     The school is due to take on students from Denmark, Norway and Sweden and will teach the…
British Premier warns of ISIL threat to UK

British Premier warns of ISIL threat to UK

British Prime Minister warned of the direct threat the advance of radical Takfiri groups in Syria and Iraq can pose to the UK.   In an article published in The Sunday Telegraph, the British premier expressed concerns that in case…
Yemen’s Houthi leader calls on mass anti-government rally

Yemen’s Houthi leader calls on mass anti-government rally

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Group has called on supporters to take to the streets in large numbers to demand the dismissal of Prime Minister of his country..   In a televised speech, the Houthi leader set a deadline for…
Iraqi joint forces regain control of Saadia, of Diyala province

Iraqi joint forces regain control of Saadia, of Diyala province

The joint forces regained control of the Saadia area in Diyala province in Iraq purging it from ISIL terrorists.  A military official said that the security forces continued their attacks on ISIL terrorists to quell pockets that the terrorists of…
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