Nigerian army ‘frees nearly 180 Boko Haram hostages

Nigerian army ‘frees nearly 180 Boko Haram hostages

Nigerian forces have freed nearly 180 hostages   Nigerian forces have freed nearly 180 hostages, including more than 100 children, held by Boko Haram terrorists in a dramatic weekend rescue. The operation in the country’s conflict-torn northeast also led to…
Saudi king cuts short stay in south of France after beach closure controversy

Saudi king cuts short stay in south of France after beach closure controversy

audi Arabia’s King Salman left the south of France for Morocco   Saudi Arabia’s King Salman left the south of France for Morocco, cutting short a planned three-week stay after a petition from some 150,000 residents over the closure of…
Deaths reported amid warplane crash in Syria

Deaths reported amid warplane crash in Syria

More than 20 killed in Ariha, in Idlib province, at site of government air raids   More than 20 killed in Ariha, in Idlib province, at site of government air raids and subsequent jet crash. The London-based Syrian Observatory for…
“Allameh Wahid Behbahani” International congress held in Holy Karbala

“Allameh Wahid Behbahani” International congress held in Holy Karbala

“Allameh Wahid Behbahani” was organized by the General Secretariat of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine in the holy city of Karbala   An international congress on “Allameh Wahid Behbahani” was organized by the General Secretariat of the Imam Hussein Holy…
Piece of curtain used to cover Holy Ka’aba reinstalled at UN headquarters

Piece of curtain used to cover Holy Ka’aba reinstalled at UN headquarters

The curtain was unveiled during a ceremony attended by officials and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon     A piece of the Kiswah, the black silk and gold-embroidered curtain used to cover the holy Ka’aba, has been reinstalled at the…
New Aussie anti-Islamic party guns for 20 per cent of the vote

New Aussie anti-Islamic party guns for 20 per cent of the vote

Australia officially now has an anti-Islam political party modeled on the far-right wing movements in Europe     Australia officially now has an anti-Islam political party modeled on the far-right wing movements in Europe.  The Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA) gained…
Drone strike kills senior Taliban commander

Drone strike kills senior Taliban commander

A senior Taliban commander was killed as a result of a drone strike in Logar province, an Afghan official said     A senior Taliban commander was killed as a result of a drone strike in Logar province, an Afghan…
Thirteen villagers killed by Boko Haram

Thirteen villagers killed by Boko Haram

The attack happened in the restive Borno state late Sunday, according to authorities and witnesses     Terrorists from the Boko Haram Takfiri group have killed at least 13 people from a village in northeastern Nigeria.  The attack happened in…
Saudi Defense Minister threatens to launch war on Kuwait

Saudi Defense Minister threatens to launch war on Kuwait

Mohammad bin Salman threatened to launch war on Kuwait after differences betw een the two Gulf Arab countries   Saudi Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman threatened to launch war on Kuwait after differences between the two Gulf Arab countries escalated…
Iraqi army defuses 200 explosive devices in Anbar

Iraqi army defuses 200 explosive devices in Anbar

Iraqi security forces have discovered and defused nearly 200 explosive devices in the country’s western province of Anbar     Iraqi security forces have discovered and defused nearly 200 explosive devices in the country’s western province of Anbar.  The commander…
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