US Banks closing down Muslim accounts

US Banks closing down Muslim accounts

Banks in the U.S. have been sending letters to their American Muslim customers telling them that their accounts will soon be closed.    There has been no explanation as to why certain Muslims have been targeted. The Los Angeles Times…
Australian Muslims ‘targeted’ by new anti-terror laws

Australian Muslims ‘targeted’ by new anti-terror laws

Australian Muslims have expressed their concern over new anti-terror measures in the country, fearing that they may increase hostility and prejudice towards them.   Religious Muslim leaders said raising the country’s threat level from medium to high will just make…
Iraq launches major offensive south of Salahuddin

Iraq launches major offensive south of Salahuddin

The Iraqi army has launched a major offensive against ISIL Takfiri terrorists south of Iraq’s Salahuddin Province.   The major operation on Wednesday comes as the Iraqi army has recently been making advances in al-Dhuluiya and Khazraj areas in the…
Saudi Wahhabi authorities arrest a Shia youth from Awwamiyah town

Saudi Wahhabi authorities arrest a Shia youth from Awwamiyah town

 A Saudi security force arrested a Shia youth from Awwamiyah town in one of Dammam’s streets without a warrant.   The arrested youth, identified as ‘Sayyid Mohammad Taher al-Shemimi’, was arrested in 2012, by a security force at the Khafji…
Alshajratul Tayba Channel kicks off on YouTube

Alshajratul Tayba Channel kicks off on YouTube

Alshajratul Tayba Channel kicks off on YouTube   Alshajratul Tayba Channel has been kicked off on YouTube to Alshajratul Tayba Channel has been kicked off on YouTube to present for its subscribers more than 500 clips of lectures on doctrine, society,…
Armenia rejects request to reopen 250-year-old mosque

Armenia rejects request to reopen 250-year-old mosque

Armenia has rejected a request to open up a mosque for the performance of Friday prayers.   The request of reopening Goy Mosque was turned down by the Armenian authorities, despite lobbying attempts made through some embassies. Muslim groups plans…
160 Shia embraced martyrdom in one year due to takfiri attacks

160 Shia embraced martyrdom in one year due to takfiri attacks

More than 160 Shia Muslims were martyred during one year due to takfiri terrorist attacks in Pakistan.   Official sources said that among those who got martyred were 3 eminent scholars, 5 doctors, 5 engineers, 3 professors, 5 lawyers, 21…
Saudi Arabia withdraws a syllabus book containing Shia Sheikh’s picture on the cover page

Saudi Arabia withdraws a syllabus book containing Shia Sheikh’s picture on the cover page

Saudi education directorates withdrew a primary school’s syllabus book of Islamic teachings after being distributed on Saudi global schools inside the country and abroad.   This comes after receiving criticism over a printed picture for a Shia Sheik on the…
HRW calls on Manama to free 13 dissents

HRW calls on Manama to free 13 dissents

Human Rights Watch has called on the Bahraini regime to release 13 dissidents serving long prison terms in the country.   The deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division said that these men are in…
ISIL using Saudi-supplied weapons

ISIL using Saudi-supplied weapons

A new report says that the ISIL Takfiri militants, who are wreaking havoc on Iraq and Syria, are using weapons supplied to them through Saudi channels.   The report, conducted by the London-based small-arms research organization Conflict Armament Research, documented…
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