Australian ambassador in Iraq expresses admiration for Imam Ali Shrine

Australian ambassador in Iraq expresses admiration for Imam Ali Shrine

Mr. Christopher Langen man, has visited Imam Ali Holy Shrine, where he was greeted by a member of the Board of Directors of Imam Ali Holy Shrine   The new Australian ambassador to Iraq, Mr. Christopher Langen man, has visited…
Martyrdom anniversary of 10th Shia Imam ‘Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi

Martyrdom anniversary of 10th Shia Imam ‘Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi

Shia Muslims worldwide are donned in black as today marks the tragic martyrdom anniversary   Shia Muslims worldwide are donned in black as today marks the tragic martyrdom anniversary of the tenth infallible Imam, Imam Ali al-Hadi, peace be upon…
Boko Haram reportedly demands $50million for the release of 219 Chibok schoolgirls

Boko Haram reportedly demands $50million for the release of 219 Chibok schoolgirls

Boko Haram is asking for a ransom of nearly $50 million from the Federal Government   Boko Haram is asking for a ransom of nearly $50 million from the Federal Government. President Buhari: “We cannot claim to have defeated Boko…
Imam Hussein Shrine opens visual art gallery in Bein al-Haramein

Imam Hussein Shrine opens visual art gallery in Bein al-Haramein

Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has opened a visual art gallery in Bein al-Hara-main, or the area between the two holy shrines of Imam Hussein and al-Abbas   The Youth Care Center of the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has opened a…
British Library Exhibits Digital Version of 8th Century Quran Manuscript

British Library Exhibits Digital Version of 8th Century Quran Manuscript

one of the oldest copies of the Quran, contains one-third of the Holy Book’s text   The British Library has put on display an old Quranic manuscript dating back to the 8th century A.D. The 121-page manuscript, one of the…
Funeral prayers of three Pakistani martyrs offered in Karachi

Funeral prayers of three Pakistani martyrs offered in Karachi

Funeral prayers of Karachi’s martyrs have been held at IncholiI mambargah   Funeral prayers of Karachi’s martyrs have been held at IncholiI mambargah Shuhadae Imambargah in Bafarzone. According to local sources, terrorists of banned Ahl e Sunnat wal-Jamat had martyred…
Quran educational course held in Comoro Islands

Quran educational course held in Comoro Islands

Quran memorization and Tajweed principles was held for 89 boys in the Comoro Islands   An educational course on Quran memorization and Tajweed principles was held for 89 boys in the Comoro Islands. According to sources, the Holy Quran Memorization…
Historic Shia Chair Celebrated at Inauguration Banquet

Historic Shia Chair Celebrated at Inauguration Banquet

The first academic chair dedicated to Shia Studies in North America had its formal debut earlier this year at an inauguration banquet at Hartford Seminary.     The first academic chair dedicated to Shia Studies in North America had its…
ISIS terrorists shell Aleppo district with chemical gas, 23 killed

ISIS terrorists shell Aleppo district with chemical gas, 23 killed

Syrian city of Aleppo, which is held by Kurdish YPG militias, has been shelled with chemical agents   A neighborhood in the Syrian city of Aleppo, which is held by Kurdish YPG militias, has been shelled with chemical agents from…
Saudi Arabia used US cluster bombs in Yemen market attacks

Saudi Arabia used US cluster bombs in Yemen market attacks

(HRW) says Saudi Arabia used US-made cluster bombs in two recent airstrikes on a busy market in Yemen   The Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Saudi Arabia used US-made cluster bombs in two recent airstrikes on a busy market in…
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