Rio Olympian Athletes Prefer Halal Food

Rio Olympian Athletes Prefer Halal Food

Muslim and non-Muslim Olympian athletes have been demanding thousands of halal meals during their stay in Rio de Janeiro, leaving organizers struggling to answer the unexpected overwhelming demand.     Muslim and non-Muslim Olympian athletes have been demanding thousands of…
Charlie HebdoMocks through publishing a controversial cartoon

Charlie HebdoMocks through publishing a controversial cartoon

The satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdohas published another controversial front page mocking the Muslims.      The satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdohas published another controversial front page mocking the Muslims.  Commenting on the decision to ban burkas from beaches in…
Canadian Muslim Women Take Safety Course amid Rising Islamophobia

Canadian Muslim Women Take Safety Course amid Rising Islamophobia

Defending against someone trying to rip off their hijabs is just one of the practical tips Muslim women will learn at an upcoming safety workshop in Edmonton, Canada.     Defending against someone trying to rip off their hijabs is…
More than 30,000 Muslims from across the world meet in the UK to reject Isis and Islamic extremism

More than 30,000 Muslims from across the world meet in the UK to reject Isis and Islamic extremism

Thousands of Muslims from around the world converged on the UK for a convention where they rejected extremism and violence of terror groups such as Isis.     Thousands of Muslims from around the world converged on the UK for…
Head of the security committee ,of the holy Karbala city council, confirms that security preparations on its top levels.

Head of the security committee ,of the holy Karbala city council, confirms that security preparations on its top levels.

The head of the security committee, Aqeel al-Masudi, confirmed that, the holy Karbala, city council is unremitting preparing to receive millions of pilgrims on the Arafa pilgrimage.     The head of the security committee, Aqeel al-Masudi, confirmed that, the…
Pakistan’s senior Shia scholar slams Nawaz Sharif’s attempts to ban Imam Hussain mourning ceremonies

Pakistan’s senior Shia scholar slams Nawaz Sharif’s attempts to ban Imam Hussain mourning ceremonies

Speaking at the Misbah al-Uloum al-Ja’fariyah Seminary in Multan, Pakistan, SayyedSajid Ali Naqawisaid that the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif warned about the arrest of Shi’a mourners during Muharram in an attempt to prevent sectarian violence in the South…
UK police under fire for training Bahraini forces

UK police under fire for training Bahraini forces

A British parliamentary committee has criticized UK police for training Bahraini forces who are accused of ruthlessly suppressing public protests and dissent.     A British parliamentary committee has criticized UK police for training Bahraini forces who are accused of…
Afghan Officials: ISIS Establishing Presence in Zabul Province

Afghan Officials: ISIS Establishing Presence in Zabul Province

Just days after US officials reported a two week offensive against ISIS in Afghanistan ended with at least a quarter of the group’s fighters killed, Afghan officials are reporting that ISIS actually appears to be expanding its territory, and is…
Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital in Yemen Kills at Least 15

Bombing of Doctors without Borders Hospital in Yemen Kills at Least 15

At least 15 people were killed on Monday in northern Yemen when warplanes bombed a hospital supported by Doctors without Borders, according to hospital and local health ministry officials.     At least 15 people were killed on Monday in…
Western Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia under Threat amid Plans to Block US Deal

Western Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia under Threat amid Plans to Block US Deal

The UK is facing a legal challenge over its continued arms sales to Saudi Arabia, senators in the US have proposed blocking the latest sale of weapons to the Gulf kingdom, raising questions about the future of Western military support…
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