Islam World

Afghanistan: Taliban child soldier recruitment surges

Afghanistan: Taliban child soldier recruitment surges

Taliban forces in Afghanistan have added scores of children to their ranks   Taliban forces in Afghanistan have added scores of children to their ranks since mid-2015 in violation of the international prohibition on the use of child soldiers, Human Rights Watch said today.…
US airstrike hits Syrian bakery, kills 15 civilians

US airstrike hits Syrian bakery, kills 15 civilians

airstrikes hitting a city’s bakery, and resulting in the death of 15 civilians who were lining up outside to buy bread   An early dawn US air raid against the Syrian city of Shadadi ended with airstrikes hitting a city’s…
Amnesty launches campaign to save 3 Saudi activists

Amnesty launches campaign to save 3 Saudi activists

underage at the time but were sentenced to death by Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court   The rights organization launched a campaign on Friday for Ali al-Nimr, Abdullah al-Zaher and Dawood Marhoon, who were arrested in 2012, over their alleged…
Dar al-Uloom Publishing House participates in Cairo International Book Fair

Dar al-Uloom Publishing House participates in Cairo International Book Fair

Dar al-Uloom Publishing House has participated in the 47th edition of Cairo International Book Fair   Following the directives of the Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, which call for the dissemination of the sciences…
Taliban militants kill at least six Afghan security personnel

Taliban militants kill at least six Afghan security personnel

At least six Afghan security personnel were killed on Saturday in two separate attacks   At least six Afghan security personnel were killed on Saturday in two separate attacks carried out by Taliban militants in southern Afghanistan. According to officials,…
At least ten insurgents killed and 12 others arrested in Pakistan

At least ten insurgents killed and 12 others arrested in Pakistan

12 others arrested in an operation by paramilitary troops in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Baluchistan   At least ten separatist insurgents were killed and 12 others arrested in an operation by paramilitary troops in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Baluchistan, officials…
Saudi authorities shut down Rasoul al-Azam mosque in al-Ahsaa

Saudi authorities shut down Rasoul al-Azam mosque in al-Ahsaa

Saudi authorities closed a shia mosque in Ahsaa on Friday   Saudi authorities closed a shia mosque in Ahsaa on Friday, as tensions rise over the execution of prominent cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.  Khabir Electronic Newspaper reported that the Saudi…
Rallies in Qatif marking the 40th day after Sheikh Nimr’s execution)

Rallies in Qatif marking the 40th day after Sheikh Nimr’s execution)

protest was held in Qatif in the restive Eastern Province, where protestors chanted “Death to Al Saud”   Thousands of people hold rallies in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to mark the 40th day since the execution of prominent cleric Sheikh…
Report on Syria conflict finds 11.5% of population killed or injured

Report on Syria conflict finds 11.5% of population killed or injured

The stark account of the war’s toll came as warnings multiplied about Aleppo   According to Syrian Center for policy Research (SCPR) Syria’s national wealth, infrastructure and institutions have been “almost obliterated” by the “catastrophic impact” of nearly five years…
Leader of Tajik Salafists has been arrested

Leader of Tajik Salafists has been arrested

Police in Tajikistan have arrested Tajik Salafists’ leader Muhammadi Rahmatullo   Police in Tajikistan have arrested Tajik Salafists’ leader Muhammadi Rahmatullo. The 43-year-old Muhammadi Rahmatullo, who is better known as Mullah Muhammadi, faces three charges, including one for inciting religious…
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