
Lightning Strikes Claim Nearly 300 Lives in Bangladesh

This year, nearly 300 people, predominantly rural farmers, have lost their lives due to lightning strikes in Bangladesh, Xinhua reported yesterday.

A report from the Save the Society and Thunderstorm Awareness Forum (SSTF) revealed that 297 fatalities occurred between February and September, including 242 men and 55 women. Additionally, 73 individuals sustained injuries during this period.

The SSTF, which has tracked thunderstorm-related casualties since 2019, noted that the majority of these deaths happened in rural areas, particularly while farmers worked in their fields. The report highlighted a significant spike in fatalities, with over 96 deaths reported in May alone, followed by 77 in June, 19 in July, 17 in August, and 47 in September. Experts attribute the rising incidence of lightning-related deaths in Bangladesh to climate change, especially during the transition from the dry season to the rainy summer months.

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