
Heavy Monsoon Rains Trigger Deadly Landslides Killing at Least 9 in Rohingya Camps

At least nine people were killed in a landslide that struck Rohingya refugee camps in southeastern Bangladesh early Wednesday, Xinhua reported today.

The landslides, triggered by heavy rainfall, occurred in camps number 9 and 10 in Cox’s Bazar district, about 292 km southeast of the capital Dhaka.

“Rohingya people have been living in 33 camps in Cox’s Bazar, which has been witnessing heavy rainfall since Tuesday,” said Mohammad Samsudduza, the additional refugee relief and repatriation commissioner.

Authorities are now working to evacuate those still residing in the risky hilly areas. Landslides are a frequent occurrence during the monsoon season in Bangladesh, as extensive deforestation has left the hills vulnerable.

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