
Cyclone Remal Batters Bangladesh Coast, Prompting Mass Evacuation of 800,000

A severe cyclone named Remal made landfall in Bangladesh on Sunday, forcing authorities to evacuate over 800,000 people from coastal areas, Anadolu Agency reported yesterday.

The cyclone, accompanied by heavy rains, storms and high tides, struck the south-central region of Bangladesh and West Bengal’s Sagar Island, the news agency added.

According to meteorologists, Remal brought maximum wind speeds of 110-130 kph and tidal surges of 3 to 6 meters.

Several coastal districts were reported to be submerged, and two casualties have been confirmed so far, the source mentioned.

The government had prepared over 8,000 cyclone shelters to accommodate those evacuated, said an official announcement by Bangladesh’s disaster management ministry.

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