
Adam Center condemns Pakistan terrorist attack
Islam World

Adam Center condemns Pakistan terrorist attack

The Pakistani Taliban targeted a Shia imambargah with a powerful car bomb, killing at least 24 people and injuring nearly…
Hundreds of thousands in Samarra for Imam al-Hadi’s martyrdom anniversary
Holy Shrines

Hundreds of thousands in Samarra for Imam al-Hadi’s martyrdom anniversary

Head of Samarra operations center, Maj. Gen Imad al-Zuhairy, announced that hundreds of thousands of pilgrims arrived in Samara to…
ISIS plans to target Shia shrines in India

ISIS plans to target Shia shrines in India

The ISIS-inspired module, that was busted recently, has revealed that several plans had been hatched to target Shia shrines in…
Hashd al-Shaabi thwarts ISIS attack in west Mosul
Islam World

Hashd al-Shaabi thwarts ISIS attack in west Mosul

Al-Hashd al-Shaabi foiled an attack by ISIS onQamishli, which is predominantly inhabited by Kurds, southwest of Tal Afar.   Al-Hashd…
Representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi meets Commander of Asaeb Al-Haq Brigade
Religious Authority

Representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi meets Commander of Asaeb Al-Haq Brigade

Sheikh Jalal Ma’ash and Sheikh Mustafa Ma’ash, representatives of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi, met Sheikh Qais al-Kaz’ali, Asa’ibAhl al-HaqBrigade commander.  …
Karbala International Airport to receive first airplane in 24 months
Holy Shrines

Karbala International Airport to receive first airplane in 24 months

Expert technicians and architects said that the first airplane would land at Karbala International Airport in 24 months.   Expert…
Al-Askariyain holy grille to be installed soon
Holy Shrines

Al-Askariyain holy grille to be installed soon

Sheikh Satar al-Murshidi, Secretary General of al-Askariyain Holy Shrine, announced that soon will be the installation of the holy shrine’s…
Bahraini court sentences seven activists to seven years in prison
Islam World

Bahraini court sentences seven activists to seven years in prison

A court in Bahrain has sentenced seven anti-regime campaigners to seven years in prison each over their alleged involvement in…
Interpol rejects Kuwaiti request to arrest Shia Kuwaiti MP AbdulhamidDashti
Islam World

Interpol rejects Kuwaiti request to arrest Shia Kuwaiti MP AbdulhamidDashti

The International Criminal Police Organization; the INTERPOL, said that the reports presented by the Kuwaiti judiciary against former Member of…
Saudi jets bomb northwestern Yemen with banned munitions
Islam World

Saudi jets bomb northwestern Yemen with banned munitions

Saudi warplanes have pounded Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa’ada with at least two cluster bombs despite a global outcry against…
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