
Terrorist bombing carried out near buses transporting locals of Kefraya and al-Foua’a
Islam World

Terrorist bombing carried out near buses transporting locals of Kefraya and al-Foua’a

More than a hundred people were killed and scores more were injured in terrorist car bomb attack that took place…
Eleven Afghan civilians killed in Helmand bomb blast
Islam World

Eleven Afghan civilians killed in Helmand bomb blast

A roadside bomb blast in Afghanistan’s southern province of Helmand killed 11 civilians, local authorities said.   A roadside bomb…
SRW calls for releasing Sheikh Zakzaky

SRW calls for releasing Sheikh Zakzaky

Shia Rights Watch International Organization is calling for the release of Sheikh Zakzaky,who has been detained for no crime committed…
Takfiri terrorists kill Shia Muslim doctor in Karachi, Pakistan
Islam World

Takfiri terrorists kill Shia Muslim doctor in Karachi, Pakistan

Notorious takfiri terrorists of banned Deobandi outfit ASWJ/Lashkar-e-Jhangvi attacked a Shia Muslim doctor in Lyari Khadda Market Area near Kharadar…
Bahrain cracks down on Formula One protesters
Islam World

Bahrain cracks down on Formula One protesters

Security forces in Bahrain have cracked down hard on people protesting the country’s hosting of the Formula One race, which…
Terrorists attack civilian bus leaving Shia enclave in Idlib
Islam World

Terrorists attack civilian bus leaving Shia enclave in Idlib

The militants of Faylaq Al-Sham attacked a bus last night that was filled with civilians leaving the predominately Shia villages…
Iraq gets UN Deputy Secretary General position for first time in its history
Islam World

Iraq gets UN Deputy Secretary General position for first time in its history

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Iraq received,  for the first time, the position of United Nations Deputy Secretary-General,…
SRW condemns forcible displacement of the people of al-Fo’a and Kufria
Islam World

SRW condemns forcible displacement of the people of al-Fo’a and Kufria

Shia Rights Watch International Organization has condemned the forced displacement of the people of Kufriya and al-Foha, saying the latest…
Muslim Student Association organizes weeklong cultural event at Rutgers

Muslim Student Association organizes weeklong cultural event at Rutgers

Every spring at Rutgers University in New Jersey, the Muslim Student Association (MSA) hosts Islam Awareness week to engage with…
ISIS has lost most territory it held in Iraq – Iraqi spokesman
Islam World

ISIS has lost most territory it held in Iraq – Iraqi spokesman

ISIS has lost most of the territory it has held in Iraq since 2014, an Iraqi military spokesman said on…
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