
13,000 refugees flee terrorist-controlled parts of Raqqa province
Islam World

13,000 refugees flee terrorist-controlled parts of Raqqa province

The committee chairperson of Raqqa civilian assembly said that about 13,000 refugees fled the territories of the northern Syrian province…
Iraqi Air Force targets ISIS gathering in al-Qaim, senior terrorist leaders killed
Islam World

Iraqi Air Force targets ISIS gathering in al-Qaim, senior terrorist leaders killed

The Iraqi Air Force has targeted a building in al-Qaim district west of Anbar province, where ISIS senior officials were…
New images show Rohingya refugees with army-inflicted wounds, burns

New images show Rohingya refugees with army-inflicted wounds, burns

Myanmar’s army is under more pressure over its brutalities against Rohingya Muslims after fresh images emerged reportedly showing refugees from…
Analyst: Riyadh waging war on Saudi Arabia’s Shia minority
Islam World

Analyst: Riyadh waging war on Saudi Arabia’s Shia minority

An American university lecturer says Saudi Arabia is waging a war on the country’s Shia minority, slaughtering members of the…
ICRC: Cholera has claimed 115 lives in Yemen since April 27
Islam World

ICRC: Cholera has claimed 115 lives in Yemen since April 27

Yemen’s Health Ministry has declared a state of emergency in the capital Sana’a, which is being run by the Ansarullah…
Reuters: Three activists held in Bahrain after UK horse show protest

Reuters: Three activists held in Bahrain after UK horse show protest

Bahraini security forces detained family members of three U.K.-based activists over their protests against the gulf king’s attendance at a…
Syrian army in battle with terrorists along Damascus-Baghdad highway
Islam World

Syrian army in battle with terrorists along Damascus-Baghdad highway

The Syrian Army troops launched a fresh round of anti-terrorism operations in Southeastern Damascus and managed to advance against the…
UN: No fewer than 90,000 Afghans displaced by conflict in 2017
Islam World

UN: No fewer than 90,000 Afghans displaced by conflict in 2017

The ongoing conflict in Afghanistan has forced 88,481 people to leave their homes since the beginning of 2017, according to…
Saudi forces raid Shia-populated city in Qatif, kill civilian
Islam World

Saudi forces raid Shia-populated city in Qatif, kill civilian

Saudi forces shot dead a youth during a raid on the village al-Awamiyah in Saudi Arabia’s Shia-populated Qatif region.  …
Plan to facilitate pilgrims’ movement
Holy Shrines

Plan to facilitate pilgrims’ movement

Within the plans set for facilitating the traffic of pilgrims of the coming pilgrimage: the blessed birth anniversary of the…
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