Holy Shrines

Resting places planned for Arbaeen pilgrims

Resting places planned for Arbaeen pilgrims

The Dar-ol-Quran affiliated to Imam Ali holy shrine announced that it is ready to implement resting places for Arbaeen pilgrims in Basra Province, Iraq.   The Dar-ol-Quran affiliated to Imam Ali holy shrine announced that it is ready to implement…
Muslims in Islamic and non-Islamic countries mark Lady Ruqaiya martyrdom anniversary

Muslims in Islamic and non-Islamic countries mark Lady Ruqaiya martyrdom anniversary

Holy shrines in Iraq, Syria, and Iran in addition to mosques, Husseiniyahs, and Islamic Centers in Islamic and non-Islamic countries are marking the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Ruqaiya, peace be upon her.   Holy shrines in Iraq, Syria, and Iran…
Quranic booths launched in Basra for Arbaeen pilgrims

Quranic booths launched in Basra for Arbaeen pilgrims

A number of Quranic booths have started operating in Iraq’s Basra province as some pilgrims began their journey on foot to the holy city of Karbala for Arbaeen.   A number of Quranic booths have started operating in Iraq’s Basra…
Religious leaders gather in Karbala to denounce spread of sectarian propaganda

Religious leaders gather in Karbala to denounce spread of sectarian propaganda

Religious leaders from around the world have met in Iraq’s holy city of Karbala to speak out against religious extremism and the spread of sectarian propaganda by the Western media.   Religious leaders from around the world have met in…
Winners of Arbaeen Int’l Photo Contest announced

Winners of Arbaeen Int’l Photo Contest announced

The winners of the Arbaeen international photo contest Iraq 2018 were announced.   The winners of the Arbaeen international photo contest Iraq 2018 were announced. The competition was organized by the Imam Hussein holy shrine in cooperation with Iraq’s Photography…
Baghdad citizens to march in commemoration of Imam Hussein

Baghdad citizens to march in commemoration of Imam Hussein

A number of Quranic institutes in Baghdad said they plan to hold a march in the city on Saturday to commemorate the movement and uprising of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.   A number of Quranic institutes in Baghdad…
Russian tourism journalist at Imam Ridha Holy Shrine: The spirituality found here cannot be found in Russia

Russian tourism journalist at Imam Ridha Holy Shrine: The spirituality found here cannot be found in Russia

Though it is a holy landmark for Shia people, Imam Ridha Holy Shrine in the Iranian city of Mashhad attracts many foreign non-Muslim tourists and visitors from around the world.     Though it is a holy landmark for Shia…
Devastating demolition anniversary of Askariyain Holy Shrine

Devastating demolition anniversary of Askariyain Holy Shrine

 The twenty-third of Muharram 1438 AH marks the thirteenth anniversary of the tragic demolition of Askariyain Holy Shrine.    The twenty-third of Muharram 1438 AH marks the thirteenth anniversary of the tragic demolition of Askariyain Holy Shrine.  Thirteen years ago,…
Imam Hussain Museum reveals rare rug that was placed near Imam Hussain’s martyrdom site

Imam Hussain Museum reveals rare rug that was placed near Imam Hussain’s martyrdom site

Imam Hussain Museum has unveiled a rare rug that was placed near the site of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom in the 1960s.   Imam Hussain Museum has unveiled a rare rug that was placed near the site of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom…
Completion of Imam Kadhim Courtyard Roofing Project

Completion of Imam Kadhim Courtyard Roofing Project

Kadhumiya Holy Shrine has announced the completion of Imam Kadhim Courtyard Roofing Project from the western and eastern sides.     Kadhumiya Holy Shrine has announced the completion of Imam Kadhim Courtyard Roofing Project from the western and eastern sides.…
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