Turkish writer says Holy Karbala has become a global marvel

The Turkish writer and journalist Celil Gundujdo described the holy city of Karbala as a global marvel, while revealing his inner feelings to see the shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, every time.
Gundujdo said in a press statement following his participation in the Arba’een Pilgrimage that “Seeing the shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, increases my spirituality.”
He continued that “The holy city of Karbala has become a global miracle, where scenes of sadness and condolence have reached their peak, amid millions of pilgrims from different nationalities and everywhere was covered in black.”
The writer also praised the efforts exerted in order to publicize the Arba’een of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and the remarkable presence of scientists, experts, writers and journalists from different nationalities.”