Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: Holy Prophet, Commander of Faithful did not use special powers to exercise walayah

The daily scholarly meeting of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi was held on Friday and Saturday, the 22nd and 23rd of the month of Safar. In these sessions, like the previous meetings, the Marja answered the questions of the attendees about various jurisprudence issues.
“God Almighty is the creator and owner of all existence, including human beings. Therefore, the right of Walayah over man and his belongings is in the hands of God Almighty, and He can give this right to others,” said Grand Ayatollah Shirazi.
His Eminence went on to say: “According to the belief of all Muslims, Almighty God has given the right of Walayah over people’s property, family, and souls to the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his family. And, Shiites believe that this right was also given to the 14 Infallibles after the Prophet.”
“The absolute Walayah belongs to the Almighty God, and includes walayah over all the individual and social affairs of humans, their families, souls and property. This Wilayah can be delegated with the permission of the Almighty God to perfect persons who have the status of infallibility. Such walayah is legitimized only with the appointment and permission of the Almighty God, and He has given this right to the Holy Prophet and the 14 Infallibles, peace be upon them,” the Supreme Marja further noted.
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi also mentioned the wide scope of the walayah and the powers and special rights that the Holy Prophet and Amir al-Mu’mineen had in relation to the people, and said: “In the ten-year history of the rule of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, in Madinah and about five years of Amir al-Mu’minin’s, peace be upon him, we don’t see a single case where these noble characters used their special rights and powers.”