Int’l research institution publishes a research on Massive Arabeen Pilgrimage

The international research institution “Academia” has published, on its official website, a scientific research on the annual million Arba’een Pilgrimage in the holy city of Karbala.
The institution said in a report that the research by the Pakistani researcher Shahzad Hasan began with an explanation of the hadiths and narrations related to the virtues of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage of the Master of Martyrs, peace be upon him, including what came on page 25 of Part 101 in the book Bihar al-Anwar, and page (134) of the book “Kamil Al-Ziyarat” on the authority of Imam Al-Sadiq “peace be upon him” who said: “Whoever comes to the grave of Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) walking, God will give him a thousand good deeds for every step, forgive him a thousand bad deeds, and raise him a thousand ranks.”
The report on the research, entitled “Suggestions on the Path from Najaf to Karbala”, quoted a statement of many statistical information of interest to the pilgrims marching on the road linking these two holy cities, such as the total distance between them, the number of poles erected there, and the distance between one pole and another, as well as information on the period of time related to the optimal time to embark on the Walk, and the period expected to be spent on the path of the Walk.
The author of the research also mentioned some physical and health information related to the Walk, how to choose walking and rest times for healthy or sick pilgrims alike, and the most important materials that the pilgrim may need on this trip, as well as a list of the most important and largest service processions spread along the road of ‘Ya Hussein’, “and the location of each procession, and other logistical and technical information.