Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWS

Imam Ali Holy Shrine covered in black ahead of sorrowful martyrdom anniversary

As the tragic anniversary of the wounding incident of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) approaches, the holy shrine of the Commander of the Faithful in Holy Najaf has been covered in black, expressing deep sorrow and marking the Imam’s painful martyrdom, one of the most significant events in Islamic history.

These days, the shrine’s premises are draped in black, as the administration of the holy shrine has covered the courtyard walls and surrounding structures with black banners and symbols of mourning. This solemn display honors the memory of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), who was martyred on the 21st of Ramadan by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam while praying in the mihrab of Kufa Mosque.

Large crowds of pilgrims from across the world have begun converging on the city of Najaf to commemorate this sorrowful event. Every year, believers mark this solemn occasion by holding various religious rituals, including recitations of prayers, supplications, and mourning gatherings.

Through these activities, Imam Ali Holy Shrine seeks to strengthen the spirit of mourning among pilgrims, reaffirming the loyalty and sacrifice demonstrated by Imam Ali (peace be upon him) for the sake of Islam. This event serves as a crucial moment in Islamic history, reminding the faithful of the Imam’s legacy.

This occasion also provides an opportunity to reflect on the life of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), who was a symbol of justice, equality, and selflessness in upholding the truth. It is a time to remember his heroic stances in battles and the principles of just governance that he established.

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