On Fatimiyya mourning days, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi urges believers to emulate morals of Holy Prophet

On the occasion of commemorating the Fatimiyya mourning period, the Supreme Religious Authority Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi highlighted the noble character of the Holy Prophet, urging everyone to adopt it as a guiding principle in life.
In a statement published on the official website of his office, His Eminence emphasized the importance of exhibiting good morals in interactions with everyone, even those who do not reciprocate with kindness, citing the example of the Prophet, who treated those who wronged him with gentleness and forgiveness.
In his statement, the Grand Marja said: “It is incumbent upon each of us to resolve, from this moment onward, to emulate the Prophet’s noble character and to interact with all people — even those who do not treat us well — with good character, for that was the way of the Prophet.”
It should be mentioned that these remarks were drawn from Grand Ayatollah Shirazi’s book “And the Sanctity Was Removed”, which sheds light on the prophetic values exemplified in the Prophet’s dealings with others, including his adversaries.
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi’s words underscore the importance of drawing lessons from the lives of the Holy Prophet and Sayyeda al-Zahra, peace be upon them, in fostering values of tolerance, kindness, and unity within Islamic societies.