Istanbul hosts special event casting light on divine relationship between Holy Prophet and Imam Hussain

Shia Muslims have continued their special observances to honor the noble biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and his pure relationship with his grandson, Imam Hussain, peace be upon him.
A special event was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Monday to emphasize this divine and spiritual connection, organized in cooperation between the Ahlulbayt Foundation and the Imam Hussain Cultural Center.
In a press statement followed by Shia Waves Agency, Sheikh Anwar Rahmani, director of the foundation, said that “the event focused on the profound relationship between Prophet Muhammad and Imam Hussain,” explaining that “this relationship embodies the essence of Islamic unity and reminds us of the importance of adhering to the teachings of the Holy Prophet and following his path.”
Rahmani further explained, “We believe that love for Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, is an extension of love for God and His Messenger, and reviving Imam Hussain’s memory is a sign of loyalty to God and His Messenger.”
The blessed event witnessed a large turnout of Shia Muslims, who affirmed the deep and spiritual connection between the final Prophet and his grandson, the Master of Martyrs, peace be upon them.
The event also featured a series of documentaries that highlighted the link between the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and the message of Imam Hussain, peace be upon them.