Lovers of Ahlulbayt Association in Afghanistan holds 9th conference for Husseini preachers

Lovers of Ahlulbayt Association in Afghanistan held the 9th conference for preachers under the title “The Role of Delivering the Message in the Ashura Revolution”.
The conference, organized in the Capital Kabul, was attended by a number of Shia scholars and prominent religious figures.
Participants discussed the significant impact of the messages delivered by Sayyeda Zainab, peace be upon her, and Imam al-Sajjad, peace be upon him, in conveying the events of Holy Ashura, which played played a significant role in elucidating the principles and values of the Husaynian revolution.

In their speeches, the scholars emphasized the importance of Sayyeda Zainab’s role in carrying Imam Hussain’s message to the world and the efforts of Imam al-Sajjad, peace be upon him, in revealing the oppression Ahlulbayt faced after the Ashura.
The conference featured a series of speeches and lectures focusing on the importance of delivering the Husaynian message to the world and its role in enhancing awareness and understanding of the values and principles of the Ashura Revolution.
The event also included video clips and photographs documenting various aspects of the conference, highlighting the audience’s engagement with the topics discussed.

This conference is part of ongoing efforts to spread the teachings of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, and shed light on the various aspects of Ashura Revolution, aiming to deepen society’s understanding of its significance and profound impact on Islamic history.