Ahlulbayt OccasionsHoly ShrinesNEWS

Local government of Holy Karbala holds high-level security conference ahead of Arafah pilgrimage

The Governor of Karbala and Head of the Supreme Security Committee, Nasif Jassim Al-Khattabi, chaired on Tuesday an important security conference to discuss the province’s preparations to secure the Arafah pilgrimage and Eid al-Adha, as well as organizing and securing the return of pilgrims.

The conference, held at the provincial headquarters, was attended by senior security officials, including the Chairman of the Security Committee in the Provincial Council, Thaer Al-Taie, the Commander of Karbala Operations, Lieutenant General Ali Al-Hashemi, and the Deputy Commander of Karbala Police.

During the meeting, a comprehensive review of the security plans was presented, aiming to ensure the safety and security of visitors and citizens during these significant religious events.

The security leaderships discussed the plans to secure the influx of visitors to the city of Karbala during the Arafah pilgrimage, which witnesses a large turnout of believers who come to perform the rituals of Ziyara.

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