
Iraq: Kurdistan Region to begin receiving Arba’een pilgrims this Friday

The government relations official in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq with Iran, Abdullah Akriy, said on Tuesday that the border crossings of Haji Omran and Pashmakh will be receiving crowds of pilgrims of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage next Friday, August 18.

Akriy said in a press statement followed by Shia Waves Agency that “The first topic discussed at the last meeting between the provinces of Erbil and Urmia was the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, after more than 50,000 pilgrims entered through Kurdistan border crossings last year.”

He added that “The Iranian government expressed it satisfaction over the measures of the Kurdistan Regional Government; as no problems or obstacles were recorded, which makes us expect more pilgrims as of this year.”

Akriy elaborated that, “Following news that the roads through Kurdistan region is more safe, we expect (500 thousand) visitors to come this year through the Haji Omran and Pashmakh border crossings,” pointing out that, “there are five or six Iranian provinces close to the Haji Omran border crossing, including Urmia, Tabriz, Qazvin, Mazandaran and Zanjan.”

The official concluded that, “The Ministry of Interior in the Kurdistan Region has taken all measures to secure and organize the movement of the pilgrims.”

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