
International activist accuses Trump of encouraging soldiers to commit atrocities

The international activist Willie Tu confirmed that US President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon military contractors imprisoned in connection with a civilian massacre in Baghdad will encourage American soldiers to commit more atrocities.
Sputnik, in an interview, quoted the Virginia Defender newspaper editor and anti-war activist Willy Tu, saying that Trump’s pardon for Blackwater contractors would encourage more US soldiers and contractors to commit more crimes.
He added that this decision is based on the decision of former President Barack Obama to refuse to prosecute CIA agents convicted of running secret torture centers, noting that Trump’s decision to pardon undermines the authority of the United States and its relations with countries such as Iraq.
He continued by asking, “Does Trump care about the consequences of such a decision? Of course not, because he is considering his reputation among his followers, most of whom would support the pardon.”
Willie Tu rejected Trump’s claim that the pardon had broad support from the public, stressing that this is highly unlikely, given the sad fact that most of the Americans may not even remember the Nisour Square massacre.
He indicated that Trump’s pardon decision may have aimed to send a message to his supporters that if they engage in violence on January 6, he will support them in some way.
He indicated that Trump lost the 2020 presidential election because the ruling class in t

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