Culture & Arts

Beinecke Library Showcases Islamic Manuscripts in Historic Exhibition

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University has launched its first public exhibition of Islamic manuscripts, titled “Taught by the Pen: The World of Islamic Manuscripts,” which opened on February 24, Yale Daily News reported. This exhibition features Yale’s extensive collection, one of the largest in the United States, showcasing over 4,000 Islamic manuscripts that span various periods, styles, and geographical origins.

Curated by Dr. Ozgen Felek, Dr. Agnieszka Rec, and Roberta L. Dougherty, the exhibition aims to highlight the interconnected literary traditions within the Islamic world. It includes early Quranic texts, everyday items, and significant works such as a 13th-century cosmographic text and a complete collection of Rumi’s poetry.

The exhibition emphasizes the cultural exchange and intellectual heritage of the Islamicate world, presenting manuscripts that cover diverse topics, including mathematics, architecture, and medicine. Visitors can engage with the materials through informative placards and a scavenger hunt designed to enhance their experience.

Dr. Rachel Herschman, the program director for exhibitions, expressed hope that the exhibition would captivate a wide audience. “Taught by the Pen,” named after a Quranic passage, will be open daily until August 10, 2025, offering a unique glimpse into the rich history of Islamic manuscripts.

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