World News

Civilian Casualties from Explosive Weapons Reach Record Highs in 2024, Says Monitor Group

A recent study by Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) reveals that civilian casualties from explosive violence have surged to their highest levels globally in over a decade, with 61,353 non-combatants killed or wounded in 2024—a staggering 67% increase from the previous year.

The report highlights the devastating impacts of ongoing conflicts, particularly in Gaza, Lebanon, and Ukraine. According to AOAV, Israeli military actions accounted for 55% of the total civilian casualties, with 33,910 reported deaths and injuries. Russian attacks in Ukraine followed, contributing 19% to the overall toll, with 11,693 casualties. Conflicts in Sudan and Myanmar collectively represented only 8% of the total.

The study indicates that airstrikes were the leading cause of casualties, with numbers doubling to 30,804 due to extensive Israeli air operations. The report also notes that Gaza was the most affected area, responsible for 39% of casualties, with local health ministry data suggesting even higher death tolls than reported.

Despite claims of efforts to minimize civilian harm, the scale of casualties raises significant concerns about the humanitarian implications of ongoing military operations. AOAV’s methodology, relying on English-language media reports, suggests that the actual number of civilian casualties may be even higher than recorded.

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