
95 al-Shabaab Terrorists Killed, 7 Villages Liberated in Military Operations in Somalia

The Somali Defense Ministry announced on Monday that the Somali National Army (SNA), with support from local and international partners, killed over 95 al-Shabaab militants during recent military operations, Anadolu Agency reported yesterday.

The SNA focused its efforts in Middle Shabelle, Galgadud, and the north-central province of Mudug. First Lieutenant Sheikh Abukar Mohamed reported that 45 terrorists were eliminated and three villages liberated in Middle Shabelle, while another 50 militants were killed and five villages reclaimed in Galgadud.

This month alone, military operations have resulted in the deaths of 254 al-Shabaab fighters. The Somali government has intensified its campaign against the al-Qaeda-affiliated group since President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud declared “an all-out war” in 2022. The ongoing conflict has left Somalia grappling with significant insecurity, primarily due to threats from al-Shabaab and Daesh/ISIS.

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