Grand Ayatollah Shirazi

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi Discusses Importance of Covering Treatment Costs for Impoverished Families

The daily scholarly meetings led by Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Hosseini Shirazi was held on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of Rabi al-Thani. In these sessions, as in previous ones, the Supreme Marja responded to attendees’ questions regarding various jurisprudential issues.

Regarding the heavy treatment costs that families cannot afford, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi stated: “In such cases, the responsibility for covering the expenses of these families falls upon Bayt al-Mal (public funds belonging to people managed by the government). If the government is under the control of rulers akin to the Umayyads or Abbasids, who do not allocate public funds for such matters, then the obligation to pay for these families becomes a collective obligation for all Muslims.”

His Eminence further emphasized that this collective obligation applies to all Muslims and is not limited to relatives and close kin, as family ties do not hold specific relevance in this ruling.

He also stressed that if there are enough individuals to address the needs of these families, and their issues are resolved, the obligation is lifted from others. However, if there are not enough resources, it becomes an individual obligation for those who are financially capable of assisting these families.

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