
Targeting Journalists in Gaza: A Pattern of Silence and Disinformation

Since October 7, 2023, a significant number of journalists have been killed in Gaza, with estimates ranging from over 130 to 173, highlighting an alarming trend of targeted attacks, Al Jazeera revealed in an article published yesterday.

The International Federation of Journalists reports a mortality rate exceeding 10% for media workers in the region, making it one of the deadliest environments for reporters.

Experts suggest that these killings are part of a deliberate strategy to silence independent verification of events, as many journalists remain trapped and unable to report safely. Investigations have shown that claims by the military regarding the status of killed journalists often lack credibility.

Additionally, media infrastructure has been systematically destroyed, with numerous outlets forced to cease operations. Restrictions on international media access further exacerbate the situation, leading to a pervasive media blackout.

This coordinated campaign aims to control narratives and suppress dissent, with the overarching goal of disinformation and silence regarding the ongoing conflict.

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