Science & Technology

New Bioactive Glass Treatment Shows Promise Against Bone Cancer

Aston University researchers have developed a groundbreaking treatment for osteosarcoma, the most common form of bone cancer, using bioactive glass infused with gallium, a toxic metal, New Atlas reported yesterday.

Lab tests revealed that this innovative material can eliminate up to 99% of cancer cells without damaging healthy bone cells.

Gallium ions are selectively absorbed by cancer cells, allowing the treatment to target tumors effectively. While the bioactive glass also promotes bone regeneration, high concentrations of gallium oxide hinder the growth of healthy cells. Future research aims to overcome this challenge, focusing on testing the material against bone metastatic cells and creating a minimally invasive injectable paste for treatment.

Dr. Lucas Souza, co-author of the study, emphasized the need for further testing to ensure safety and effectiveness. The findings were published in the journal Biomedical Materials, marking a significant step forward in bone cancer therapy.

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