Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWS

Around 50,000 Pakistani pilgrims on their way to Iraq to participate in Holy Arbaeen Pilgrimage

Media outlets said that around 50,000 Pakistani pilgrims are preparing to travel to Iraq to participate in the Holy Arbaeen Pilgrimage of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, following the arrival of the first group in Iran on Saturday.

Iranian media sources reported that “the first group of Pakistani Arbaeen pilgrims entered Iran through the Rimdan border crossing in the Sistan and Baluchestan Province.”

The Director-General of Roads and Transport in South Sistan and Baluchestan, Shahram Mobarki, stated that “the Rimdan border station is ready to host the Pakistani pilgrims and provide them with appropriate services,” noting that the crossing has been receiving Arbaeen pilgrims for the third consecutive year.

Mobarki added that “the crossing received around 48,000 Pakistani pilgrims last year, and it is expected that the number of incoming pilgrims from Pakistan will increase this year.”

Last month, media quoted the Pakistani Minister for Religious Affairs as saying that 50,000 Pakistani citizens went missing in Iraq during the month of Muharram. However, official authorities in Iraq and Pakistan denied these reports, with the Pakistani minister stating that the news was “false” and the result of misinformation, emphasizing that those responsible for spreading the false report would be held accountable.

In light of these events, the Iraqi Ministries of Labor and Interior have initiated investigations into the matter and are searching for the missing individuals, in addition to verifying the status of foreign workers within the country.

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