Grand Ayatollah Shirazi

Grand Ayatullah Shirazi Calls for Emulation of Sacrifices Made by Companions of Imam al-Hussein, peace be upon him

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, has urged individuals not to hesitate in emulating the sacrifices made by those who gave their lives for Imam al-Hussein (peace be upon him), warning that one may regret their choices on the Day of Judgment if they fail to follow this path. This message was conveyed through a statement published on his official website, titled “And there are roles for Mawakib and Hussainiyyas”

His Eminence emphasized the importance of encouraging youth to engage in Hussaini Mawakib, describing them as a “lifeline against misguidance and ignorance.” He called for the use of all available means to motivate young people to participate in these events, stressing the necessity of repeated efforts to help them understand the significance of these rituals and their role in enhancing awareness and faith.

He pointed out that youth involvement in Husseini Mawakib is not merely a participation in rituals but a manifestation of the morals and values for which Imam al-Hussein (peace be upon him) sacrificed himself. This commitment serves as an effective means to combat ignorance and misguidance. He noted that adhering to this path and learning from Imam Hussein’s sacrifices will contribute to fostering a spirit of devotion and selflessness within the community.

His Eminence urged everyone to take responsibility and strive to achieve the noble goals championed by Imam al-Hussein (peace be upon him) through active participation in Hussaini Mawakib and the commemoration of Ashura rituals.

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