Nearly 400M children worldwide experience psychological aggression, physical punishment at home: UNICEF

According to new UNICEF estimates, nearly 400 million children under the age of 5—amounting to 6 in 10 children in that age group globally—regularly face psychological aggression or physical punishment at home. Out of these, approximately 330 million endure physical punishment.

The findings, published on UNICEF’s official website, underscore the vital role of play in children’s development and the mental health of children, parents, and caregivers, in light of data highlighting the prevalence of inadequate caregiving, including lack of stimulation and interaction at home.

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell stated, “When children are subjected to physical or verbal abuse at home, or when they are deprived of social and emotional care from their loved ones, it can undermine their sense of self-worth and development.” She added, “Nurturing and playful parenting can bring joy and also help children feel safe, learn, build skills, and navigate the world around them.”

The report notes that an increasing number of countries are banning physical punishment against children in the home. Over half of the 66 countries that have outlawed the practice have enacted legislation within the past 15 years. However, this still leaves around half a billion children under the age of 5 without adequate legal protection.

Globally, harmful social norms supporting violent childrearing methods persist, with slightly more than 1 in 4 mothers and primary caregivers believing that physical punishment is necessary for proper child upbringing and education, according to the findings.

The data—released on the first-ever International Day of Play—also highlight disparities in caregiving practices and access to play opportunities. For instance, new estimates reveal that about 4 in 10 children aged 2-4 years do not receive sufficient responsive interaction or stimulation at home, leading to potential emotional neglect, a sense of detachment, insecurity, and behavioral issues that may continue into adulthood.

Additionally, 1 in 10 children misses out on activities with their caregivers critical for promoting cognitive, social, and emotional development, such as reading, storytelling, singing, and drawing.

The data further indicate that around 1 in 5 children aged 2-4 years do not engage in play with their caregivers at home, and roughly 1 in 8 children under age 5 lack toys or playthings at home.

Studies demonstrate that evidence-based parenting programs improve caregiving, reduce family violence and maltreatment, and enhance the mental health of children and parents. These programs offer coaching on positive approaches, building strong parent-child relationships, and supporting play, nonviolent discipline, and communication.

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